No body likes a slow website and they aren’t good for business so here are 7 easy ways to speed up your website! **Speeding up your site also helps increase website traffic and reduce your bounce rate.**

7 Ways To Speed Up Your Website

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For some of us this “uncertainty” the whole world is feeling right now is totally normal but for others who have always relied on a stable 9-5 for income, this is a time of fear & panic. As part of the creative freelance community I feel it’s my job to provide a helpful resource during this time just as many others have already done, so here is a list of my favorite places to find remote work.

Where To Find Work During The Coronavirus

There are plenty of hosting services out there so how do you figure out which hosting service is right for you? By determining the bandwidth, storage, support, and overall quality your website will need and comparing it to the different hosting options featured in this post.

Which WordPress Hosting Service Is Right For You?

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Many people have no idea what to expect when working with a brand and web designer which is why I’m providing an in-depth look into Kenzi Green Design’s branding and website design process. My process is strategically designed to help formulate brands that attract dream clients, accurately reflect business values, and produce websites that convert visitors into customers.

In-Depth Look at My Branding and Web Design Process

When I started my business I was attracting the wrong clients and undervaluing my work but over time I found my niche, realigned my own branding and went from charging $75 to booking $4,000 projects. Branding is the sole reason I was able to turn my design business into a sustainable thriving full time job.

How Branding Changed My Life

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