Web Design

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If you have your own website there is no reason you should be using Linktree because it steals your website traffic, valuable analytics, and minimizes SEO benefits. Here’s how to make your own “links page” on your website. STEP 1 – MAKE A NEW BLANK PAGE Exclude your menu, header, and footer since this is […]

How To Make Your Own “Link Tree” Using Your Website

Website design footer credits are becoming a new industry standard with good reason. There’s many benefits to a web designer adding their footer credit for both the client and designer.

Why Website Design Credits Are A New Industry Standard

Wondering how much you should pay for your website? Let’s dig into all the variables that determine the cost of a website whether it’s custom, DIY, or from a template!

How Much Should You Pay For A Website?

When should you actually hire a brand and web designer? Here’s a list of 9 problems that may indicate it’s time for you to invest in a brand and web designer.

When Should You Hire A Brand And Web Designer?

After building nearly 50 websites & reviewing countless DIY’d sites I’ve seen it all. These are the top FIVE common website mistakes you might be making and how to avoid them!

Top 5 Common Website Mistakes You Might Be Making