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Link Tree and other third party “link pages” are stealing your website traffic! Here’s how to create your own “link tree” on your website.

How To Make Your Own “Link Tree” Using Your Website

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Website design footer credits are becoming a new industry standard with good reason. There’s many benefits to a web designer adding their footer credit for both the client and designer.

Why Website Design Credits Are A New Industry Standard

After building nearly 50 websites & reviewing countless DIY’d sites I’ve seen it all. These are the top FIVE common website mistakes you might be making and how to avoid them!

Top 5 Common Website Mistakes You Might Be Making

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No body likes a slow website and they aren’t good for business so here are 7 easy ways to speed up your website! **Speeding up your site also helps increase website traffic and reduce your bounce rate.**

7 Ways To Speed Up Your Website

Are your website visitors not staying on your site long enough to make a purchase? Use these tips to reduce your website bounce rate and increase sales!

How To Reduce Your Website Bounce Rate & Increase Sales

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