Your brand can make or break your business so when hiring a brand designer you’ll obviously want them to be the perfect fit not only in terms of skill set but personality too. So how do you find the perfect brand designer?

How to Find The Best Brand Designer For Your Business

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So many people make the mistake of trying to master a different trade—like content writing, branding, graphic design and the like—in order to avoid hiring a specialist to take care of a specific task but this isn’t efficient for a business.

Guest Post: The real cost of DIY’D website copy

Are your website visitors not staying on your site long enough to make a purchase? Use these tips to reduce your website bounce rate and increase sales!

How To Reduce Your Website Bounce Rate & Increase Sales

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7 Amazing Christmas gifts for entrepreneurs and small business owners you need to know about!

7 Amazing Christmas Gifts For Entrepreneurs & Small Business Owners!

    When you invest in my services you only get one logo to choose from! Yep you read that right, one logo design. If you don’t keep up with me on insta, one, you totally should and two that means you probably missed my story about how my first time implementing The One Concept […]

The One Concept Method For Logo Design & Branding

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