6 Things Every Homepage Needs


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One thing design school taught me is that you only have 5 seconds to make a good impression on your website.. FIVE! And your home page is an insanely important part of turning those 5 seconds into 30.

Kenzi Green Design studio website #websitedesign #designstudio #designerwebsite

  1. What You Do

    – All good websites have what I would refer to as a captivating intro statement at the very top of their home page. Not “I make art” but more like “I focus on crafting thought provoking art to communicate stories through different mediums”.

  2. On Brand Visuals that Resonate with your Ideal Clientele

    – Part of communicating what you do and who you do it for is branding. You can state what you do but when you have cohesive visuals to go along with your statement it has all the better chance of sparking emotion, better communicating your message, standing out from your competition, and capturing interest from your ideal clients.

  3. what you offer

    – Potential clients decide if they want to work with you after seeing only 3 pieces of work… THREE. Your homepage should only showcase a small amount of your BEST work/product and provide an overview of your services.

  4. who you are

    – Potential customers/clients like to know who is behind the computer whether that be an individual or a company. They like to know YOUR story and ultimately the meaning behind why you do what you do.

  5. user friendly navigation

    – This is the KEY to highlighting important information and guiding your website visitors to the next step. Websites with too many options or too much info can overwhelm visitors and cause the important things to be overlooked. Instead, your website should flow kind of like a map, it goes from intro → offerings → background → portfolio → contact!

  6. freebies + Pop ups

    – Offer your website visitors a freebie or an incentive to subscribe to your website. This establishes a direct connection between you and your potential customers while also building brand awareness.

The result of having ALL of these essentials? More ideal clients coming your way and fewer clients looking elsewhere because they were confused by a website full of DIY design.

Interested in discussing this further? Find out more about how we can work together to ensure your website has all of these 6 essentials and schedule a free consult call here!

August 21, 2019

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