Watch my ugly website series so you know what NOT to do!
Stock photos are convenient for a few reasons, some being they are free, inexpensive, and readily available for when you don’t have the budget or time to take your own photo.
BUT so many people rely on stock photography the photos are becoming heavily overused, inauthentic, and aren’t unique to any one brand.
Stock photos are so popular I can almost immediately spot them on social media pages or websites and when I do, that brand doesn’t get a follow and I lose interest in learning more.
Because I like authenticity and I like seeing the true behind the scenes photos with branded photography. If you’re anything like me, you probably feel the exact same way.
When I see brands offering amazing services and great products but relying on stock photography, it’s a HUGE turn off for me. Branded photography is just as important as the actual product, service, website, or any other brand collateral.