Our audiences are extremely savvy when it comes to photography—they know when they’re looking at amateur photography and when they’re looking at professional work. If they see you use amateur photography to market your business, then they assume you have an amateur business. They think to themselves, “If you won’t invest money in your own business, why should I?” And you should!

It’s Time To Stop Using Stock Photography

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Relying solely on social media to run your business has the potential to completely destroy your brand and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Why You Need A Website Even If You’re On Social Media

One of the latest 2019 Instagram Trends is digital collages. Read this post to learn how to make your own for free and all from your phone! #2019instagramtrends #digitalcollage #instagramcollage

Easy Instagram Collage

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If a candidate hits all 3 of these qualities, nothing else should matter. Not their tattoos, not their piercings, hair color, gender, ethnicity, language, etc.

3 Important Qualities To Look For When Hiring

On Friday June 14th, 2019 I graduated as Valedictorian from Living Arts College with my BA in Interactive Media Design.

Many parents encourage their children to attend college but are extremely hesitant to encourage their children to pursue a career in the creative field.

So, in this blog post I’m going to be debunking some stereotypes about the creative industry and discussing the Pros & Cons of attending art school.

Should You Go To Art School ?

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