Easy Instagram Collage


Easy Instagram Collage Instagram Trends 2019


One of the latest 2019 instagram trends is “digital collages” or in other words overlaying text, images, colors, and shapes to form a unique artsy photo.

over app.png

Today I’ve decided to share how I form my collages and how you can make your own too! All you need is access to the app Over. It’s 100% free, you don’t have to be a designer, and you can make everything from collage posts to stories and videos.

They do offer a premium version which allows access to a much larger variety of graphics but with some creativity you can do a lot with the free version!

Get started by heading to the app store and downloading Over.

2019 Instagram Collage #collage #instagramtrend #2019instagramtrends #digitalcollage

Using this app is pretty self explanatory. You can start with a template or create your own post from scratch by clicking the + sign.

One of my favorite things about this app is that it auto saves so your projects are always on your profile! The only disadvantage to this app is that the overlay order is determined by the order you add graphics/images to your canvas. So if you want something in the very back and add it last, you’ll have to duplicate everything around it to make it appear “in the back”.

Overall this is one of my new favorite apps and I use it quite often!

Subscribe to the Kenzi Green Design Youtube Channel to watch the video version of this blog post which shows the full collage build!

~ Kenzi

July 15, 2019

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