No one want to hear this but followers do matter.. for some companies.

Why Followers Matter (what you don’t want to hear)

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Should You Hire a Logo Designer or Branding Strategist ? And How to Choose the Right One. #branding #businesstips

Should You Hire a Logo Designer or Branding Strategist ?

The wrong way to obtain client leads & how it can hurt your biz!

The Wrong Way to Obtain Client Leads

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There is no such thing as a “fair” price and you should stop using the terms affordable and fair. Customers & Businesses are both affected by these terms.

No Such Thing as a “Fair” Price

A warning to all influencers, you are being scammed & these brands are ruining your reputation! If you’ve ever heard of Daniel Wellington you’re going to want to read this.

A Warning to All Influencers

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